Saturday, April 10, 2010

The perfect afternoon

Is it bad to post pictures of my own kids on my professional blog? Eh oh well. We had such a great afternoon I just had to share. A beautiful day, a beautiful park, my 3 favorite kids, flying kites, eating all around relaxing afternoon laughing and having fun.

Connor couldn't fly the kite so I took off the string and he just ran around with it "flying" it.

Aubrey definitely got the hang of it, running all over the field with Connor running after her.

Taking a break with his favorite food...strawberries.

And I couldn't forget my little spectator who was fascinated by the kite. He missed his afternoon nap and still was happy as can be, although needed his binky a bit to keep him going.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, coincidence! Those are my 3 favorite kids too!
    Great shots.
